Disturbing I Dreams I had

I was sleeping on the lower bunk of a bunk-bed. I dreamed I was getting crushed by the top bunk and couldn’t get out.

I dreamed huge white rats invaded a house I was in. They were twice the size of normal rats and didn’t stop coming. People were killing them, but even while dead, they stared up, smiling, with a crushed, flattened face, red gums and sharp teeth grinning wide. One rat came into the room where everybody was and started raping a nice animal, a lemur or something. We wanted to pull them apart, but the rat was vicious and we were all afraid of it.

I dreamed there were insects infesting that were rapidly evolving, too fast for us to get a handle on them and kill them. They were getting bigger, and smarter, and were disgusting looking. Originally, they were ant-like, I think, but then they were all types of bugs, all shapes and sizes, but all grotesque, with engorged blisters all over and legs popping out from all over. We walked into one room where they had been, I think, and there were pieces of a person laid out. An eye, an ear, a tongue, a brain half-eaten, all arranged in a neat grid-like arrangement. The insects developed sophisticated weaponry and were going to wipe us all out.


  1. chaynobody · · Reply

    Sounds sorta like Starship Troopers… just you’re missing a naked ex-Mrs. Charlie Sheen…

    1. That wouldve made things a lot better.

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